What is Plataran Circle of Friends?
Plataran Circle of Friends is an exclusive loyalty program designed by Plataran Group for valued members. Plataran Circle of Friends members will receive exclusive benefits, ability to earn points for transactions and activities made in Plataran establishments which then can be redeemed for exclusive rewards.
How do I join the Plataran Circle of Friends?
How much does it cost to join the Plataran Circle of Friends?
If I join the Plataran Circle of Friends Loyalty Program, when will I receive my membership Card?
Where can I use this membership?
What are the benefits as a Plataran Circle of Friends member?
Will my account have an expiration date?
How to earn points?
Can I purchase Plataran Circle of Friends points?
How do I check my points?
Can I earn points by booking multiple rooms?
How do I redeem my points?
What should I do if I have questions about my points or the loyalty program in general?
What should I do if my account can’t be used during the transaction or check out time?
What should I do if my points are not generated after the transaction or check out time?
How many levels of membership are there in Plataran Circle of Friend and what do I need to do to achieve the higher level?